Discover the enchanting world of Dawn Crothers' Solo Dog Exhibition, a captivating celebration of the profound connection between humans and their canine companions. Located in the vibrant heart of Belfast, Dawn Crothers, a renowned artist with over 15 years of acclaim, unveils a stunning collection that captures the essence of Northern Ireland's diverse canine population. Having gained recognition for her timeless pet portraits and unique paintings of snails, Dawn's upcoming exhibition showcases her exceptional talent and deep passion for animals.
TITLE: Sleeping Beagle
MEDIA: Original Oil Painting on Canvas
SIZE: 18" x 22" (Size not including the frame)
PRICE: £595
Framed in a bespoke painted frame
Work can be viewed in person at Dawn Crothers Gallery & Studio, Belfast
For commissions similar to this painting, please get in touch via email or feel
free to call into my studio by appointment!